

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Drop It,Drop it Low

I got Patron in my cup and I don't give a fuck
The baddest bitch in the club right here...
They wanna see me drop it, drop it, drop it
Wanna pop it, pop it, pop it, shake that ass on the floor
You wanna see me shake it, shake it, shake it
Yeah, you like it, like it, like it when I drop it real low
So I needed a change from my norm, after a friend showed me the new Deedra  skin from DeeTaleZ. Though I'm pale as shit in rl, if anyone knows me from imvu they'd know, I always leaned more towards the darker tones. It's a great skin with a shape(not pictured),tint-able lips and eyeliner included.
Also make sure to stop by The Candy Shop for these naughty teddy panties by Kink! that are defiantly dropping low, and come with a multitude of bears, and hud.

Hair-*booN MMK375 hair & cornrows(sold separate)|Skin-DeeTaleZ Deedra skin |Lolli-BN inc. - My messy lollipops|Neck chain--DRD- chained neck (past gacha)|Tats-Letis Tattoo :: LOVE & HATE Sleeve|Bracelets-UNISEX[MANDALA]SANKARA|Nails-*MC* Slink Fingernails - Dark Glitter - (hands & feet)|Bat-POMPOSITY - Hubby Beater Baseball Bat |Top-alterego I stupid hoe tank(free gift)|Skirt-(CM) Punk Plaid Skirt (red) @Rhapsody Event|Panties-Kink! Oops Panties - Plain w/snuggly bear @The Candy Shop|Shoes-*PROMAGIC* Hit -Black|

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