

Friday, April 18, 2014

Little Girls...Shouldn't Play With Black Magic

I will follow you down wherever you go

I, I'm baby I'm bound to you and do you know?
Closer, pull me in tight
I wanna be yours, wanna be your hero
And my heart beats

We have all wished and one time or another that magic was real. That resurrection wasn't just a thing of the past/ and or myth.

“You were born a child of light’s wonderful secret— you return to the beauty you have always been.” 

Like the empire of the world unite

We are alive
And the stars make love to the universe
You're my wild fire every single night

But little girls shouldn't play with black magic. Shouldn't play with things they don't understand.

And as she tried to crawl away, all that was heard were three faint words.. "let me go..."

And my heart beats..

Hair- LoQ Hair- Grappa Pieva Black
Eyes- Lithium ~Creation :: Death Mask Special Eyes
Skin- DeeTaleZ Skin DELICIOUS Jaz No.1 VANILLA
Dress- Dark Confessor Outfit by Caverna Obscura
Necklace-  EarthStones Book of Shadows Locket
Earrings- EarthStones Bewitching Earrings
Nose Bleed- .Pekka. Nose Bleed V2 (found at the Cosmetics Fair)

Pentagram- Mystic CIrcle Pentacle                                      
Book (furniture but also used as a hand prop with some work)- Arcana
Prop- Image Essentials -female studio
Cosmetics Fair-

Even the crows wept for her...

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