

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Welcome To The Funhouse

This used to be a funhouse
But now it's full of evil clowns
It's time to start the countdown
I'm gonna burn it down down down!!
I'm gonna burn it down!!!

The circus is in town now, with just as bipolar weather as my real life town apparently. Places in this sim rain, while others are born dry and safely tucked away in a tent.

I think I've been to the circus once or twice as a kid. Don't have much recollection of them, and don't condone them anymore. But, I will happily dress up and parade around on secondlife as a carny any day.

Hat- Eudora 3D Steampunk Hat 
Hair- little bones. Black Mirror - Soil/Moth(gacha)
Neck Chains- 7mad;Ravens BoltChain  exclusive to the 100 Block 
Shoes- [MODA] CORSET PIN UP PUMPS (outside booth)
Nails- DP - Koffin Nails - Dark Carnival

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