

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Wallowing With Horses...

I've always wanted a small ranch, or you know just a caravan deep within the woods, secluded from all.Why not?

Just live off the land, grow your own food. And have someone to share it with.

Sit out front and rock to the sounds of the night, and use nature as my all.

The riever makes a good wash bed.

Mother Nature is the best of cures.

Look into my magic ball....I will see into your soul.

Items Pictured-

{A} Animal Specimen - Crown for TGEBPH
At Mainstore from 04/06 to 04/21 for Grab The Eggs Before They Poof Hunt (Free hunt gift)

{A} Gypsy Gacha available at The Fantasy Room

{A} Gypsy Wagon at The Fantasy Room for  100L

{A} Herb Bottle Fat Pack




Hair- Exile::San Francisco Wild Fusion ( the seasons story)

Esmeralda Gypsy Outfit
Wreath- Strawberry Wreath (trans)
Basket- OW Basket with strawberry
Necklace- OW fiish bone necklace
Skin- DeeTaleZ Skin DELICIOUS Jaz No.1 VANILLA

Arcana Main Store-
Arcana Marketplace-
The Fantasy Room-

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much, you have totally read my mind, I saw all this kind of things when I built up the Gypsy set... is so amazing, I am wordless... tytytytytyty
