

Monday, March 23, 2015

From The Eyes Of A Sinner

I see your wicked thoughts.
Begging to leave those lips.
I see that glint of metal.
As I slice into your flesh.

That look of agony.
That quiver of joy.
Your a sinner baby.
I can see it in your eyes.

Ever just wanted to be able to switch out piercings as if magic? Or have every nail a different color? Well now you can,slink's new updated hands lets you do so, which helped show off Dark Passions new nails nicely. Also Diamante has come out with a hideable facial piercing set.Did I mention each piece can be colored separately?


Hair- ~Tableau Vivant~ Boho [Frizzy chic] - Naturals I @ShinyShabby
EyesIKON - Charm Eyes  - Crimson
Eye makeup 1Bella Elephante - Blinded
Eye makeup 2- UrbanStreet -  Face Paint--Darkness-D- @CARNEVIL
Piercing- Diamante -  Get Crushed - UniSex Mesh Facial Piercing @CARNEVIL
LipsDeeTaleZ - Makeup BLACK Lips matt
Blood- .ARISE. - Bloody Lips (black)
NecklaceCute Poison - Spooky Necklace Black
Gloves- Suki - Cherrie Gloves Black
Nails-  DarkPassions - Koffin Nails -  Slink - Razor Sharp (also in Belleza & Maitreya) @CARNEVIL
Top- Biscuit- Rylee Top - Slink @CARNEVIL
TutuRazor /// Fluffy Butt w/ HUD

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